Sunday, May 11, 2014

Who Really Runs The Federal Reserve -- The Government? The Illuminati? Elvis? Tupac?

The Federal Reserve (popularly called the Fed) is the United States of America's central bank. It isn't specifically owned by anyone. The best way to describe how the Federal Reserve runs is -- it's independent within United States government boundaries, as opposed to independently run outside the government.

According to several sources, including the United States government, the Fed was instituted by Congress in 1913, and is structured for management by an appointed Board of Governors, who serve staggered four-year terms.

On the other hand, literally hundreds of pop culture conspiracy theories maintain that the Fed is actually controlled by unseen, unknown powers. Depending upon what theory one reads, those include, but are certainly not limited to -- a mysterious society called the Illuminati, and/or the banking family corporation house of Rothschild. In the case of the former (the Illuminati), this would mean that the Fed's real current leaders include Elvis:

"Thirty-one years ago today, Elvis Presley was murdered by Freemasons, and shortly thereafter resurrected by the Illuminati in Area 51 to eventually become the shadow leader of the world’s largest conspiracy.  From his birth in 1935 to his death in 1977 to his current reign, Elvis’s impact on world history has been vast and deep.  But new information has now been uncovered suggesting his influence extended farther back than any of us could have guessed."

And the late, celebrated rapper Tupac Shakur:

"For those of you who only know Tupac for his music career, and not so much his personal life, I just want you to be informed that Tupac was very much involved with the Illuminati at one point in time. Both in a positive and negative approach. His career was born because of the Illuminati. It's very difficult-pretty much impossible-to become famous and not be associated with the Illuminati. At one point in Tupac's career-I'm guessing around 1989-1990, he decided to sell his soul for fame (I will explain what the process of selling your sell is in a seperate post later on), and join, or should I say, become a puppet of this satanic organization."

The list of Illuminati who (at the least) control the central bank of the richest nation on earth also includes (but is not most certainly not limited to):

Jay Z, Beyoncé (two-for-one, because they're husband and wife), Justin Beiber,
Ke$ha (apparently, the dollar sign in her name has more meaning than we've previously thought), LeBron James, Celine Dion (who is actually a Canadian citizen, not a USA native), Madonna, Dennis Rodman (who, according to one conspiracy blogger, was actually sent to North Korea by the Illuminati, so that he could sign up his close friend, North Korean dictator [and NBA fan] Kim Jong Un), and -- the entire cast of "Boy Meets World."

As fun -- and dangerous -- as that might be to believe, little evidence exists that those "members" of the Illuminati, or anyone else besides the Fed's Congressionally-appointed Board of Governors, runs the Fed. Also -- the actual Illuminati doesn't include those celebrities... except possibly for Elvis, whom the source above (  goes on to claim pre-existed the organization.

However, when it comes to the Illuminati, even the Elvis claim may not go far back enough:

"The Illuminati trace their origins back thousands of years to their conception as a result of the genetic inbreeding between a reptilian extraterrestrial race and humanity.  Their modern origin, however, traces back to the 1760s and a man named Adam Weishaupt, who defected from the Catholic church and organized the Illuminati, financed by the International Bankers.  Since then, according to the Illuminati, their top goal has been to achieve a “one world government” and to subjugate all religions and governments in the process.  The Illuminati thus attribute all wars since the French Revolution as having been fomented by them in their pursuit of their goals."

Again -- unfortunately, evidence does not point in the direction of our nation's money reserve leaders actually being half-breed lizards mimicking banking executives. That's because the actual evidence shows that the actual Illuminati were a social order similar to the Masons, founded in Bavaria in 1776, by a Jesuit-educated professor named Adam Weishaupt, who at the time was a lay professor of canon (church) law at the University of Inglestadt. Many of its members came from the Freemasons; like the Freemasons, they were divided into order, and had vows of secrecy, etc

The main goals of the Illuminati were the opposition of superstition, prejudice, the elimination of the Roman Catholic Church's domination of government, philosophy and science, the reduction of the abuse of power by states, and support for the education and treatment of women as intellectual equals. The source mentioned below does not list financial control as an Illuminati goal.

That same source also states that originally, Weishaupt wanted to name the Illuminati the "Perfectibilists." That would, of course, eliminate a lot of the celebrity rumors... because the followers and "investigators" of those stars would have zero interest in branding any of their idols with a name that ridiculous.

In light of all this, the most logical (but definitely, the more boring) conclusion is that the Federal Reserve is probably not run by a shadowy conspiracy involving Elvis and Tupac -- but by a Board of Governors, who are responsible to the United States Congress.